
A comprehensive overview of Trichotillomania: The Child Mind Institute

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This link on Trichotillomania in children is part of a larger online resource provided by the Child Mind Institute. Visitors to the site will find a comprehensive overview of Trichotillomania; which is characterized by compulsive hair pulling. In addition to Trichotillomania, the Child Mind Institute provides access to online resources on various topics related to childhood psychiatric and learning disorders. Specifically, the site has a Mental Health Guide that provides descriptive information, signs and symptoms, risk factors, information pertaining to how diagnoses are made, what forms of treatment are typically utilized, along with answers to frequently asked questions regarding the various disorders presented. Resources are also available in Spanish via the en Español link, which can be found under the “Get Informed” tab.

The Child Mind Institute is dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and teens living with psychiatric and learning disorders.

Although the website also provides information regarding clinical care that can be provided by the Child Mind Institute; including a detailed list of specific programs offered and specialists employed at the Child Mind Institute, it is important to note that this organization is located in the U.S.